Pascale Lapierre,
Clinique Multisanté de Gatineau

Pascale Lapierre, Osteopath

Through extensive travelling and international work placements, Pascale has developed a wealth of experience that she brought back to Canada and is now eager to share. During her first pregnancy, she suffered greatly from sciatica and back pain, which is how she was introduced to osteopathy. This relinked a childhood dream: "taking care of people". As she was introduced to the philosophy behing - looking at peolple as a whole - , she found the therapy she could identify with. She then embark on a in-depth study of the human body through training and courses, including massage therapy and osteopathy. She studied at the École professionnelles des ostéopathes du Quebec (EPOQ) and graduated in 2017 with excellent results.

Pascale believes in ongoing education and has taken specialized courses, including structural soft-tissue technique, applied neurology, visceral techniques, etc. She specializes in fascia release, a web of conjective tissue that structures and holds the body together (muscles, bones, organs and brain). Her objective is to release fascia and see a return of movement and vitality.

A session with Pascale is first and foremost a meeting of two people, where respect and communication are at the core. Whether to relieve pain or reclaim control of one's life, Pascale knows how to release deeply embedded tensions to restore movement, increase the flow of blood, lymphatic fluids and energy, and restore vitality. Movement is life!

Pascale is a member in good standing of the Corporation des professionnels ostéopathes du Québec (CPOQ). She practises in the greater Ottawa-Gatineau region.

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